It has been a while since I posted or even been near our blog. Our time is taken pretty much by our business and raising two babies. A bit of history in order for you to get to know us better. I started making candles two years ago. With much prayer I bought the equipment from a person who had decided it was time to sell. This past year my daughters each had a baby and went through a separation. Being single parents, they were faced with all the same trials so many other single parents face. We decided to turn lemons into lemonade. :O) Our lemonade became a mother/daughter candle business. We began working toward building our candle business thus helping all of us out!
We felt the need to offer a line of products that would not only be of excellent quality but affordable to everyone. We offer handpoured soy blend candles, carpet powder with over 100 fragrances to choose from. Soon we hope to be offering our enviornmently safe detergent, natural soap and much more. Our creative, crafty minds and hands get to going we will soon have more.
I hope you join us as we blog our days! We would love to get to know you too.